Friday, December 24, 2010

Torres Del Paine

I spent the day in the famous Torres Del Paine Park.  I was going to spend a couple of days and do some easy hiking but the weather didn’t co-operate and I just went the one day.  It’s an incredible place with over 200kms of trails and views that just don’t stop.  Started out looking at Los Torres torres del paine 041

The (towers) del Paine really are quite impressive.  They were formed when magma entered under the rocks and forced then up into jagged peaks so there are layers of volcanic and granite mixed together.torres del paine 067 Saw some really cool animals like the flightless nandu, a relative of the ostrich and who, according to locals, produces delicious eggs that are the size of a dozen chicken eggs.torres del paine 023 and I finally got to see the forth member of the camel family, the guanaco.  This is a baby.torres del paine 031

The whole place used to be a sheep ranch until 1959 but now, at the base of these amazing towers of rock, are rolling hills of grass and trees with rivers, lakes and waterfalls.torres del paine 060

The last part of the day was spent hiking up to a lookout for the Grey Glacier in the drizzling rain.  There was a huge variety of flowers in the forest  which made up for the lack of view once we got there.torres del paine 049

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There were some beautiful icebergs floating around.torres del paine 110

I got back to the hotel very wet and very glad that I had taken a one day tour instead of camping out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. So bold and majestic and full of natural mystery and charm. And the animals and scenery look cool too. Merry Christmas Intrepid Leader.