Well, I’ve reached the end of my year and the end of my South American journey. The last week was in glorious Buenos Aires with the tango and steaks off the parilla. The city was exciting and vibrant with dancers, musicians and vendors in the streets. Lots of activity going on all day and night. I hit a street market in San Telmo and finally got to buy a few trinkets as I wouldn’t have to be carrying my backpack anymore.There is a great combination of the colonial…
The modern…
and the unique here in BA
I made it to most of the highlights of the city and even stood on the balcony where Eva and Juan Peron addressed the masses. My last delicious steak was in colourful Boca alongside tango in the street and then I was on my way back to Canada.
My world is wet and cold once again but it’s nice to see family and to sleep in the same bed for more than a few nights.
Top 10 List of my South America trip
- Trekking the Puerto Moreno glacier in Patagonia
- Driving across the Uyuni salt flats in Boliva with random sightings of bright pink flamingos, vicunas and chinchillas
- Spending a day climbing in and around Machu Picchu, Peru
- Paragliding off the cliffs in Lima
- Riding a boat under the Iguazu Falls
- Horseback riding in some of the best scenery imaginable
- Walking with penguins on Christmas day
- Flaky croissants, creamy ice-cream, cheap but pretty good wine and thick juicy steaks in Argentina
- Four days on the Navimag boat navigating through the fiords of Patagonia complete with dolphins, glaciers and rainbows
- Every lovely person who patiently listened and interpreted my pigeon Spanish.