Think of a canyon teaming with cars, trucks, buses, scurrying people, sidewalk stalls and thick smoggy air up to the rims on all sides and you’ve imagined La Paz. It’s insane here with no place to walk and people crushing from all sides. It’s also pretty interesting with tons of shops to look in, winding alleyways to explore and lots of good food to eat.
Monday, November 29, 2010
La Paz
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Lake Titicaca
After I had a snicker at the name of this place, I needed to take deep calming breaths because I was at 4000 meters and the breathing ain’t easy up here, never mind the snickering. Of course, the first thing I did was sign up for a tour where I was expected to climb a mountain to see ancient funerary tombs. I swear, somewhere, buried deep in my genes is a tiny strand of Incan DNA just dying to get closer to its gods. Sillustani was pretty interesting once I decided my heart wasn’t going to actually leap out of my chest. For over a thousand years, different civilizations built their tombs here and you can see the development of architecture as they became more proficient. These Incan tombs are some of the last ones built.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Machu Picchu
Up at 4:00am and on the train. Sliding through the misty Andean mountains. The terrain changes as we enter the Amazon and the sun comes up. Bromeliads roost on massive branches hanging over the train.
Finally, our destination…wait, we have to take a bus up the crazy switchback dirt road and then hike up the side of the mountain. But then…
Around every corner is a new discovery.
And more…
I met my friend Marjorie and we spent the afternoon wandering and exploring.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Sacred Valley
Yesterday I took a day tour of the Sacred Valley to see three different villages and their Incan Ruins. It was only $13 for the whole day with a tour guide. What the tour company left out was the fact that, in order to live closer to their gods, the Incans built everything on the tops of the mountains. Can you say stairs…big perilously uneven, steep stone stairs with loose crumbling rocks. It was a good workout but, as you can see, totally worth it.The green down at the bottom is corn which will be harvested in January. Their corn has giant kernels that make our kernels look puny and pathetic. They also grow over 900 varieties of potatoes here. This was the beginning of the trip so I was very impressed with how lovely the Andean Mountains were…how innocent I was!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Colca Canyon
To plan my two trip into the Colca Canyon, I went to a travel agent. Our conversation went something like this;
"I would like to visit the Colca Canyon."
"You have several different options." He says with a big smile. "The first option, we will pick you up at 3:00am."
"In the morning!!!" I exclaimed in horror.
He kept smiling while shuffling his papers. "The second option is a two day trek. You know the Colca Canyon is very beautiful and also is the second deepest canyon in the world."
"Uh, how deep is it?"
"Approximately 4000 meters but don't worry, you will only climb around 2000 meters." He brightens his smile.
"Yeah, um, I don't think that's going to work out me. What's option number three?"
"Well, you will take a minibus with 14 other passengers. On the first day you will relax in the mountain hot springs and have a buffet lunch. There will be entertainment that evening...."
At this point, I'm wondering why he didn't lead with this option and quickly stop him to say, "Where do I sign", before he terrifies me with herding llamas over the edge of the cliffs.
Two days with bus, tour guide and hotel cost $50 and yes, there were hot springs but absolutely no llama herding.
Check out the adorable llama and lady…the way she’s wearing her hat down in the front indicates that she’s married…presumably not to the llama.
These are vicunas which are the softer cousin to the llama…very rare and protected by the government. A kilo of their hair goes for $500…guess I won’t be getting one of those sweaters.
This farming technique comes from before the Incas but they improved the irrigation system so that they could terrace way up the sides. I wouldn’t want to be the unlucky farmer that got stuck up the side of the mountain. Talk about a crap commute! The canyon was breathtakingly beautiful and we got to trek along side the edge for awhile. We did see a few of the giant condors (3 meter wingspan) but they’re so damn fast and I was busy standing there with a stupid grin on my face so I don’t have a photo.
So, after eating about a ton of dust and a few guinea pig chunks (at the buffet), I’m back in Arequipa and bound for Cusco tomorrow.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
From Nazca to Arequipa
Well, my ten hour overnight bus turned out fantastic. I said goodbye to my new friends, Mark and Nat and was almost asleep before we hit the highway.Natasha, Mark and I in front of the Nazca people’s aqueducts.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Nazca Lines
So, this is how it works. You pay for a flight and they bring you out to the airport at 6:30am where you wait and wait and wait until the kilograms per airplane load work out for you to get on a flight. Apparently it used to be easier but the planes kept crashing and killing all the tourists so now they only let a few 'certified' airlines operate....come to think of it, that wait wasn't really so long.
Then you fly around for 35 minutes straining to see the figures out your window. It was actually pretty cool but some passengers got sick from the dipping and rolling of the plane. I got to practice my Spanish as the pilot shouted out the names and then I tried to figure out what I was looking at. Surprisingly, astronaut is the same in both languages.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Caught a very early bus out of Lima to Paracas. It was an interesting process as all passengers were scanned and videoed before departure. I had been worried about the quality of buses but was pleasantly surprised to be sitting on the luxury second floor with wifi access and a lunch served. There was also an onboard toilet which I’m going to be very happy about on my up coming 12 hour trip.
Hit Paracas in the morning and was asked by the bus company representative, Maria Elena, if I wanted to take a look at their new hotel (next door).
Brand new and only S/35 ($10) with a five minute walk to the downtown (note that downtown means the one street malecon). I would recommend Zarcillo Tourism after all their advice and help with everything in town. Walked around town and took in the sights. It’s mostly a fishing town with a sideline of tourism. I met a nice couple (Lara and Dominic) from Australia to hang out with and we all signed up for the next days’ tour.
This is the local specialty, cebiche (raw seafood marinated in lime) and chicharones (fried seafood). It was pretty good and some of the raw fish just melted in my mouth and bonus, it didn't kill me. A must try for the Peruvian coast. Started the next day out in a speed boat. This is the famous ‘candelabra’ which is probably a representation of a cactus or a tree, or a map to buried treasure or a landing pad for aliens. 184m tall and 50cm deep in the hard packed dirt. It’s been there for hundreds, if not thousands, of years due to the extreme lack of rain. Apparently Martians (the peruvian term for crazy people) have been walking on it so it's now a federal offence to go anywhere near it.
Next, the Islas Ballastas (the crossbow islands) otherwise known as the Peruvian or poor mans' Galapagos. Tons of birds, including penguins, pelicans, vultures, boobies and seagulls but the sea lions were the best. We also saw dolphins hoping around while we waited for the boat.
In the afternoon, we went on a tour of The Paracas National Reserve. The driest place on the earth (other than Antarctica), it was incredibly stark but beautiful.
The road you see going through the picture is made of salt which is found in great big chunks all over the place. Our guide, Luis, got us out of the bus to prove it, He smashed some rocks on the road and we could taste the pieces…I was just glad he didn’t make us lick the road.
Last days in Lima
Finished my classes and had a celebratory lunch with the ladies.
Had a great day on Thursday. Went paragliding with Matilda. It was S/150 ($50) for ten minutes over the cliffs of Lima. Sooo much fun!!! We couldn’t stop smiling on our way to have beer. You can see me coming in for a landing here.
Stumbled upon a fantastic dance performance after our beer. I’ve noticed that this is a very musical country with bands performing in parks, shopping centers, restaurants and on the street.Heading out of town tomorrow.